MOOC RI is live since April 11, 2016
The MOOC Responsible Innovation is live since since April 11, 2016. The course consists of 3 parts:
- In part 1, we will focus on ethics and values including individual and collective responsibilities. For example, who is to blame in a case of a fatal accident when many parties are involved? How should we deal with conflicting demands, ethical issues and emotions when it comes to new technology?
We will also discuss the famous trolley problem and the NIMBY (Not in my backyard) problem,. Our case studies concerns robotics - The second part of the course (start: April 24, 2016) is all about safety and risk assessments. We will discuss the fundamentals of understanding and identifying risk. Our case studies are climate change, nanoparticles, coolants, nuclear energy and Cyber-Security.
- The third part (start May 9, 2016) will first focus on technological innovations – incremental, radical and frugal – from an economic, management and design aspect. Last, but not least, the course will end with the concept of Value-Sensitive Design and this is what our final assignment will be all about.
Below the weblecture about ethics and care robots.
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